Despite problems with my right foot and the general poor condition I find myself in, I started back with yoga again. Very difficult to hold poses on my right foot since it continues to roll on me. I am supposed to be fitted with a custom orthotic to stabilize my ankle on Monday. Meantime, while I can still sit at my wheel, I continue to practice the mastery of forms. In April my focus was on casseroles and lidded jars. May will be focused on teapots and goblets. The pictures show greenware in the drying stage. All pots will be fired to stoneware temperatures.

Nice work, Marc! Hope that your ankle heals well…. Our daughter Colette is doing ceramics (beginning) in Austin @ UT. She loves it, and is just starting to do wheel projects (bowls & plates) We love the handmade thing!!! Do you still have the same day job? My day job is teaching and am trying to get back in touch with my artistic self. This teapot is fantastic!
Same day job, knocking on doors selling food delivery service. Challenge is to discipline myself to get into the studio every day. Target for May is 20 teapots.
What lovely casseroles you’ve made! Any special deals for ex-wives? I want one (casserole, not ex-wife).
Let’s see how they turn out. There are always special deals.
Please promise us that no kittens (especially kittens from Houston) will be killed in creating that “catssarole”. ;-)