Hello folks,
It’s been awhile since I’ve posted. Been trying to work some kinks out of the photographs. And life has been moving along at an incredibly fast pace. And life has been moving along at a ponderously slow pace.
We often look at each other and say I can’t believe we were able to make this happen so fast! We made a commitment and we got back to Texas and our families. If anyone had told me six months ago I would be living in midtown San Antonio, I would have just laughed. But here we are, living in a little apartment right in the heart of the action, with museums only minutes away, a quick walk to a farmers market, great eateries, the River Reach, walking and running groups, a bouldering wall within a block of our apartment, really interesting neighborhoods, and great people. We’re loving it here!
Exclamation points aside, our outlook is very positive. Mary and I are taking some time this month to focus on family visits and make new friends. Our ultimate goal is a house with room to work in, space for guests, and especially a place where family and friends can gather together. Meantime, I’m on a mission to get some fresh artworks made, to teach a few individuals some pottery, to promote an old friend’s works, to learn more of the history of this town that treasures its past, and see what new ideas arise. I am finding inspiration around me in the landscape and seeing past themes reborn in new light. Enjoying the pleasure of talking shop with sculptors, painters, potters, photographers, and the occasional farmer.

The above are themes I have explored before but now I am seeing them in a different aspect. It will be intriguing to see where these studies take me.