Many of you have already seen our posts on Facebook about the loss of our son Josh Rosenthal. He passed away peacefully in his sleep on January 21, 2016. He was only 31. Far too soon for him to leave us. His loss was unexpected and I still can’t believe I will never see him again, at least not in this world. He would have been proud of how many friends and family honored him by coming to his funeral in Houston. I think also he would have been genuinely surprised as he didn’t believe he had that many people who cared about him. My first wife Ardis, my wife Mary, and I each wrote eulogies we read at his funeral. I won’t add them here but I can only say they touched upon the story of who he was and what he had always dreamed of, but sadly could not have: a normal life. I find solace in knowing that he isn’t hurting anymore and is probably having a great time wherever he is now. I will remember the camping trips, the movies we loved, the jokes we shared, and the pleasure of his company.
The recently installed sculpture, “Standing Figure”, is a tribute to Elie Joshua Rosenthal.

Dear Marc,
So sorry for the loss of your son. God bless him and all of your family. My heart aches for you. Love, Charlie
Thanks for your kind thoughts Charlie.